Glenn County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) » SELPA Meeting Information

SELPA Meeting Information

Glenn County SELPA Meetings
The Glenn County SELPA Governance normally meets the third Tuesday of each month at 9:00am. They alternate locations each month between the Glenn County Office of Education Glenn Success Square Conference Center in Orland and Willows Administration Offices. The Glenn County Office of Education Willows Administration office is located at 311 S. Villa Avenue, Willows, CA  95988. The Glenn County Office of Education Orland Administration Office is located at 131 E. Walker Street, Orland, CA  95963. There are some exceptions on meeting dates.In addition, the SELPA Governance has two standing committees: The Fiscal Oversight Committee and the Facilities Committee. The agendas and minutes will be posted consistent with Brown Act Regulations.
For a full calendar of the scheduled SELPA Governance and SELPA Fiscal Oversight Committee meetings for 2024-2025, click here.